
One Nursery Done Two Different Ways

Our oldest child (two and a half now) is a boy and I was so excited when we found out that we were having a boy.  I couldn’t wait to decorate his nursery.  I knew that I wanted to do something classic and blue.  I went with a “Peter Rabbit” kind of theme and used yellow accents throughout.  Here is what his baby room looked like.

Then with our second child we found out we were having a girl!  Of course I knew I was going to have so much fun decorating her nursery but also was reminded that I would need to work within a very tight budget.  So I decided that since I didn’t want to paint and my husband really doesn’t enjoy the job of painting, we would keep blue.  I also knew we would be keeping all the furniture.  This gave me the chance to swap out the crib bedding and accent colors. This time I filled the room with lots of color.   Here is what her current nursery looks like…

I just changed out the blue basket liners for some pink ones.

Again I added pink changing pad covers and traded the blue chandelier pendent to a pink one (thanks to my Dad).

Obviously the bedding and accesories changed too.

I got the idea for the art above her crib from The Purl Bee – Liberty of London Swatch Portraits

One Nursery Done Two Different Ways • zevy joy

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  1. love this Annie! Don’t mind me.. Just perusing over your blog and am enjoying learning about my dear Annie! You’re such a special women made for God’s glory and such a joy getting to know you!

    1. Alma you are the sweetest and this just warms my heart – thank you! As I feel the very same about you!!

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