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DIY Post, DIY Chalkboard Clipboards

I recently bought some basic clipboards (you can find these almost anywhere and the are cheap!) and decided to use a sponge brush to paint some chalkboard paint on them. It took a few coats of the paint and I used Martha Stewart’s Chalkboard Paint. Once it was painted I waited 24 hours and then seasoned the board by rubbing chalk all over and wiping it down.
After the boards were painted and seasoned I was ready to draw on them. There are great tutorials like this one from Jones Design Company on how to transfer print onto your chalkboard.


I played around with the lettering and spelled LOVE at first. Then I decided to hand letter this Christmas hymn and that is where I have kept it.

This is a simple and inexpensive way to change up decor seasonally. These could be used anywhere – an office, on a mantle, hanging vertically etc… As always the best part is that this project costs less than ten dollars (if you use your craft coupons)! You may also notice the plaid blanket which is made from this blanket scarf tutorial. That scarf has many ways to use it! I hope you try it out and thanks for stopping by!

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