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DIY Chunky Knit Throw and Rug


My mom and I were browsing the mall during a holiday shopping trip before Christmas and I saw a perfectly chunky knit throw.  It was full of texture, cozy and dreamy for the cold winter months.


I quickly picked up the throw (as it has been on my wish list for a while) and then turned over the price tag.  I think my mouth may have dropped open.  I quickly put the blanket back down and when my sweet mom asked why I wasn’t getting it, I explained that hundreds of dollars was out of our price range… ha!  True story.


A couple weeks ago and I saw a talented instagram friend, Kim at RHOUSE share a picture of an arm knit version and I was instantly inspired! I searched pinterest and found a fantastic tutorial by Maggie over at Simply Maggie here.


For about 50 dollars of some saved Christmas money, I was able to make an affordable version of something that looks chic and timeless… It just goes to show that you really can make beautiful things for your home – that may even cost hundreds of dollars elsewhere, but for a lot less.


Copper Tray from Paint Fox (affiliate link in sidebar)

In addtion, I played around with the knits and used some table legs to see if I could make a tighter knit blanket version.


I liked this style but felt it was better fit for a rug.  The arm knitting style had larger stitches and gave the blanket a loftier look.


Below is more of a description of what I did to make the tighter knit kitchen rug versus a tutorial, but here is the yarn I used for both projects. I found mine at Michaels on sale and they had some other fun colors.


I cast the yarn on the large table legs as normal and then knit similarily to the arm knitting.


Here is the finished product (by using table legs) displayed in our kitchen.


That adorable cutting board was gifted from my sweet friend Ashley over at House of Five and was puchased from Our Board Boutique.


And here is the arm knit version using Simply Maggie’s tutorial




Deer Pillow from So Vintage Chic and Little Houses pillow from Bows and Burlap Designs

Hope you feel encouraged to enjoy some of the nicer things even when you are on a budget and I appreciate you being here.  Happy Monday!

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  1. I’ve been seeing these chunky wool items all over since I discovered the lovely ModernWool products on IG and yes, the price tags scares the heck out of me. Good to know it’s easy enough to diy. Thanks for sharing and I’ll def give it a shot.

    1. Thank you Elaine! I believe this is actually acrylic. I would love to have cotton or wool. I believe when searching for such thick yarn I saw some of those choices on Etsy. Have a great weekend!

    1. Keila thank you friend and you should try this! I’m not a huge knitter either but think this was a straight forward project! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you Sofia Clara – I had my eye on them too and was thrilled that I could actually make one. I appreciate you stopping by!

  2. I LOVE this (and your home!). We are always looking for fun new 4H projects to try. I think this blanket is right up my boho daughter’s alley!! I am your newest follower and fan… Glad Melaine @mysweetsavannah told us about you!! ~Kim

    1. Kim thank you so much for stopping by – I truly appreciate it! This blanket was really simple to do and I highly recommend it. I am a big fan of Melaine’s so what a compliment – thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you Brenda! I bought 12 skeins so I believe I used about 10 for the blanket and then 2 for the rug… I had been playing around with stithches so I pulled the skins apart and know that by the end the rug took less than 2. Hope that helps!

  3. Love the chunky knits! In case you aren’t aware of this … there is a website called Ravelry.com dedicated to knitting/crocheting and other fiber arts. It’s free to belong and there are a lot of free patterns. I recently made a hat and a cowl scarf (similar to what you see for sale at Target this season) in a chunky knit style.

  4. I’m in the process of knitting such a rug myself for my daughter’s bedroom and looking around online for inspiration and came across your blog. I’m using several 50″ x 60″ fleece throw blankets I purchased for $1.00 each from WM over a year ago for another project that I’ve cut into 2 1/2 inch ‘yarn’. My needles are 1 1/2″ diameter, 36″ long dowels from a broken shoe rack. I’ve had to undo it a few times figuring out the right number of stitches and tension because the fabric is stretchy but I think I finally have it together and I’m liking how it’s turning out so far. My kids must think I’m crazy being so obsessed with this thing. But I’m planning on making another larger one as a blanket. Yours looks lovely. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    1. That sounds like it is going to be a wonderful project Alison! How fun and thank you for sharing. I love hearing about other’s creativity! I appreciate you stopping by~

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