DIY Beaded Garden Markers
Beaded Garden Marker How – To!

How To Make Easy DIY Garden Markers!
Hello again friends… How have you all been doing and hope you had a lovely weekend. We have been chipping away on projects that I plan to share here soon, some of which include our hallway, the sunroom and even a little here/there with our kitchen. Nothing too crazy, but it will still be fun to share! Anyhow, today I have the easiest summertime craft… Beaded Garden Markers! I am joining Krista from The Happy Housie and our friends as they share their summer craft/project ideas too!
Because getting supplies for projects is tricky these days, I grabbed all that I could from the kid’s craft boxes and came up with this idea! Here is what you will need:
- Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
- Wooden and Plastic Beads of Varying Sizes/Colors
- Wooden Cooking Skewers (like you use when making shish kabobs)
- Sharpie or Stamp Block Letters
- Scissors

Here is how easy putting this little craft together is…

I simply figured out the order I wanted to beads to go. Then I very carefully used my glue gun to add a bit of hot glue, then slid each piece up and onto place.

Next I used my stamp letters to spell out the herb or herbs on the largest wooden bead. You could also do this with a sharpie by hand.

And there you have it! I plan to make more when and if I can get my hand on some planted fresh herbs. Wouldn’t these be cute in a garden planter box as well?

Hope you enjoyed and make sure to check out these creative projects down below too! Thanks so much for visiting with me today…
How to Seed a New Lawn from Scratch at The Happy Housie
DIY Palm Leaf Shadow Art Box (PB Knockoff) at Craftberry Bush
How to Make an Outdoor Pallet Tabletop at My Sweet Savannah
DIY Outdoor Planter with Candle at Clean & Scentsible
DIY Hanging Patio Garden at Tatertots and Jello
DIY Outdoor Candle Holders at The Handmade Home
DIY Painted Coasters at My 100 Year Old Home
Outdoor Tabletop Herb Garden at Inspiration for Moms
DIY Modern Sun Art at Cassie Bustamante
DIY Shell Candles at Finding Silver Pennies
DIY Beaded Garden Markers at Zevy Joy
Easy DIY Macrame and Driftwood Wall Hanging at Dans Le Lake House
DIY Printed Fern Art at Satori Design for Living
DIY Criss Cross Outdoor Planters at She Gave it a Go
Coastal Coaster DIY at Rambling Renovators
Stamped Spoon Garden Markers at Life is a Party
Summer Porch Updates at Taryn Whiteaker Designs
The CUTEST garden markers! Love it. I saved it to my Summer board. Can’t wait to make some!
How cute! I’m totally stealing this idea!
SO cute! I love the stamped design! Great idea, Annie:)
So adorable! LOVE how these little beaded markers came out!