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A Christmas Home Tour

Hello Friends and welcome to our place here at zevy joy! I am linking up to The Jennifer Rizzo/Joss & Main Holiday Housewalk Link Party and am happy to have you here!


Make sure to head over to the Link Party here and view all the incredible inspiration as others share their creativity as they dress their homes up for the holidays.

You may have seen my tour here at the end of last month over at Craftberry Bush, where Lucy graciously welcomed me to share our home. This is a bit of an extended tour with some additonal pictures and rooms. I hope you enjoy.






(This beautiful sign can be found over at Between You and Me Signs)






I have been preparing our home for your visit as if we were really having company over (although it is much easier to hide the messy corners and crop them out of pictures when I do it here).



I am most excited to share with you because this is also my favorite time of year. To me, it is truly magical and now having children of my own, I can see how quickly the fascination and magic comes alive.






There are sights, smells, and many memories to be made during this beautiful season. The stores quickly fill up on thier inventory and stock their shelves early in the fall. I anxiously await when it will be our turn to start decorating at our home. We typically start this family tradition in early November.




(Craftberry Bush Pillow – can be found here)

I picked back up blogging and zevy joy on the heels of quiting my long time teaching job as I made the choice to be a stay-at-home mom. I was terrified by the choice financially, but in faith we took the leap and it has been one of the best decisions we have made. We were and continue to live on a very tight budget, but I love decorating, creating, cooking, fashion, etc. I knew these things would need to be adjusted with our budget and I wanted to share my story with people that may be in the same situation. Never in my wildest dreams did I know how much richer life would be for us with less money.




(Tutorial for faux fur foot stool can be found here).

I was reminded of this the other day as I was walking the ailes of the stores and getting caught in the trap of believing I needed more and without more our home would not be enough (especially not enough to share with others). Slowly but surely more and more items were thrown into my cart. As it was time to go I felt a quiet confidence that these things did not need to come home with me. I assured myself that our home was enough and that I could do with what we already have. This would be my challenge like so much of the past year and a half has been. I compliantly put everything back on the shelves and headed home with only the wrapping tape I truly did need.


When I got home, I started creating, using what was available around our place. Any time I have the opportunity to create this way I feel joy and I feel passionate. At the end of it all I have a deep sense of peace that I did not succumb to untruths about what makes a house a home and even better that I did it all within our means.

I was inspired to use a disco ball by Lucy from Craftberry Bush and Myquillyn from The Nester and I love the way it adds a bit of sparkle to the room.


It does take time and effort to live this way, but the rewards are great.  We have built this home, not the foundation or the walls, but the heart that makes it beat. We have searched Craigslist and second hand stores, been passed things down or made it ourselves. We repurpose and make it work even when we think it can’t.


There is beauty in the unwanted and treasures in the trash.


While we have collected some nice things over the years, our white tree is second hand and was a steal.  Some of the ornaments were bought at 50 percent off, some at the dollar store and others handmade while also making memories. Garland is strung from thrift store beads and tin foil polka dots.





Around the corner is our bedroom that has little touches of Christmas. Lofty texture, plaid and lit garland make the room feel warm and elegant.





As you head down our long hallway and into the front, you are in what we call our “multipurpose” room. Here you will find a tree nearly a decade old that is missing some lights and yarn wrapped around unused bulbs (see tutorial below). Greenery from our pines outside is stuffed into the fake tree to give it some added life and it provides the smell of Christmas. That very same greenery was also used to make a wreath around the deer head.





There is not a “one size fits all” when it comes to what makes your home yours. It can be wonderfully made with more and if not, I want to encourage you that you can also make it work with a lot less. What we put into our homes are not the things that make it special, it is the people and the memories shared in that space. Most importantly, there is a bigger reason for this marvelous season and I choose to believe that all of the preparation and work leads up to a magnificent celebration.


Thanks so much for stopping by!

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  1. Beautifully done. We have had to scale back too, as my wife decided to stay home. It’s been hard at times, especially when we go to Target lol. But the quality of our lives has greatly improved. Love your message and your home looks amazing as always

    1. Oscar thanks so much and for stopping by and I totally understand the struggle with Target – lol! Have a great weekend!

  2. You have created a truly beautiful and magical home for you and your family. I have gotten so many wonderful decor ideas from your blog, and you have helped me immensely in making my own house a welcoming and inviting home. I love the sled under the tree, and definitely making the wood bead garland.

    1. Liz, thank you so much! I can’t tell you how much your comment warms my heart. That is what I truly hope to accomplish in sharing encouragement here. I appreciate you sharing with me – it made my day. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks so much Ashely – you are always such an encouragement to me. It means so much and I am sure yours will – always so gorgeous!

  3. Your home is lovely. I can so live in it. I’m curious about the small sled under your tree. Did you build or buy it?

    1. Carmen thank you so much! I actually found the sled while thrifting for 1.99! It looks as though it may have been handmade. I appreciate you stopping by!

  4. When I read it’s not just a one size fits all I thought of how many of us now or in the past have tried to make our homes everything but our home. Fun tree. Merry Christmas! Linda

    1. Jennifer thank you so much and that is such a compliment! I felt the very same when looking at your incredibly beautiful home. I appreciate it ~

    1. Shannon – I just appreciate you so much. Thank you for cheering me on and being an inspiration daily. Merry Christmas friend!

    1. Arielle – thank you so much, I am glad to hear you like the wreath! It turned out a bit different than what I planned but had fun going with it anyways!

  5. Your home is Christmas Neutrals Heaven! I’m in love with yoru entire house Annie! So tasteful and yet so warm! Love the sled by the tree (I have a shopping cart) and I also love the sisal art you added above the bed! Thank you for joining the 12 days of Christmas Blogger tour Link Party!Merry Christmas!

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