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The Liebster Award

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I was completely honored and thrilled when a couple lovely ladies, Chloe from Boxwood Avenue and Mrs. Fowler from Being Mrs. Fowler nominated zevy joy for the Liebster Award.  Make sure to go and check their blogs out!  Chloe’s blog, Boxwood Avenue is charming and intriguing – she talks about everything creative (tutorials, photography, etsy, etc…).  Megan’s blog, Being Mrs. Fowler is also a must read.  She is a teacher, diyer, dresses impeccably, and shares her story with you. You will not be disappointed with these gorgeous blogs.

To fill you in on the Liebster award (from what I understand), it is awarded to bloggers from other bloggers.  Most of the time it is given to those bloggers who are just starting out and have a following of less than 1000. Each nominee answers 11 questions chosen by the nominator.  Once all of the above is shared, the awarded blogger picks/gives 11 questions to other bloggers of their choice.  Once nominated it is important to link back to the blogger who nominated you when you share your award.  Simple and so wonderful!

So here we go!  Like I said I was flattered that both ladies nominated me so I am going to do my best to answer both sets of questions.  Hopefully you will hang through to the end with me =).

Here are my questions from Chloe at Boxwood Avenue…

1. Why did you decide to start blogging?

I started zevy joy a few years ago after being inspired by the beautiful blogs that I began following daily.  I loved how these women shared their thoughts, beliefs, projects and or recipes with others.  To seal the deal, one of my favorite blogs – Jones Design Company, was offering a blog class and I jumped on the opportunity to learn from them.  This class was wonderful and straight forward.  It gave me the confidence to tackle the set up of a website and some of the behind the scenes details.  From there I wanted to inspire others and show them how they could live on a budget, dress affordably, and DIY.

2.  Who’s your spirit animal?

Well I had to look up what this meant – haha! The best way I can answer this is to say that the most accurate description of someone who represents me or who I want to be is Aunt Rebecca from Full House.  I’m laughing at this choice but kinda had a hard time with this question and at the moment this is what I can come up with.  She was always kind, helpful, loving, intelligent and dressed with style =).  Who wouldn’t want to be friends with her?!  Seriously though, I loved that show.

3.  What are you passionate about outside of blogging?

My faith and my Savior; this transcends into all the other aspects of my life.  I am also passionate about my husband and our relationship – he really is my better half.  Then of course my children, I am so happy that I can finally be home with my kids and spend this time with them.  If anyone knows me and truly knows me they know that I believe there is no right or wrong about a stay at home mama or a working mama.  I have been both and respect both.  This has been my heart’s desire to stay home and I am in a place in our lives where I can do this.  It doesn’t always come easy and has absolutely taken some sweat/tears to make it work.  I can’t finish this question without saying I am passionate about Silpada.  This company really is amazing and has opened up some wonderful opportunities for me so that I can stay home.

4. What tools do you use to keep your blog organized?

While I wish I could be MORE organized with my blogging, at this time I just use my daily planner (from Plum Paper) to sketch out my ideas, weekly/monthly plans, etc.. Truthfully, I just tend to post on whatever may really be going on.  I may find an outfit while thrifting the day before and decide that will be what I share for the week.  Or I may be at the dollar store and think of a project that I can’t wait to share with you.

5.  What post are you most proud of?

My Christmas Home Tour.  I am most proud of this post because it felt like a blossoming of my creativity so far and I had so much fun doing it.  I wanted to open my home “virtually” to all of you and loved the opportunity to do it.  I was challenged and motivated to make it happen and was so appreciative of the feedback and encouragement.

6.  What has been the biggest bonus of blogging?

Meeting those who have connected with me on here or instagram.  I have been overwhelmed by the kindness and inspiration.  It was so encouraging to see others strengths and be touched by the ability to lift one another up with kindness.  How lovely – I think our world needs a little more of all of that! Don’t you?

7.  Who works with you behind the scenes of your blog?

My sweet husband!  He takes all the style pictures for me, has taught me how to use the camera and proof reads my work (he does it all with such a giving heart).  He has been my biggest encourager to do this blog and I could not do it without him.  Even when I didn’t think I would pick up blogging again he pushed me – it has been a very healing experience for me.  I am very grateful.

8. What have you used to help your blog succeed?

Like I shared earlier, The Blog Class from Jones Design Company has helped my blog tremendously.  Reaching out, commenting, and meeting others with blogs/instagram has too.

9. What is the next thing on your bucket list?

To travel!  Not sure when or how, but one day I would love to travel other places around the world.  I have not had the opportunity to do so at this point in my life but am confident one day I will.

10. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?

I hope to see zevy joy inspiring and encouraging others while I share my experiences/story.  Not sure what that may look like then but hope that remains the heart of zevy joy…

11. – cont. – Whats stopping you from getting there?

It is really true that  I am my worst enemy sometimes.  I over think, over analyze an idea, loose confidence and chicken out.  I hope that I continue to try and believe in myself and the gifts that I have been given.

And here are my questions from Megan at Being Mrs. Fowler

1.  What is your Holy Grail product?

Coconut Oil!  If you have read my previous posts you know how much I love this!  I use it on my face, in my food, on my hands, etc…

2. What can always be found in your handbag…

Trident spearmint gum!  It is my favorite!

3.  What is your favorite designer and why?

I do not tend to buy designer often but I do love Marc Jacobs and currently own a pair of Sunglasses and purses (thanks to being gifted these beautiful accessories).

4. Why did you decide to start blogging?

Answered in previous questions.

5. What is your absolute favorite food?

Cheeseburger and French Fries.  I could seriously eat this all the time (but I don’t)!

6.  If you could do anything in the world what would you want to be?

Not to sound cheesy (but I will) –  A mom =).

7. What is your quick and easy makeup routine?

If I am in a big hurry then I usually fill in my eyebrows and put on my mascara.  I do not wash my hair everyday either.  I use dry shampoo and this is a huge time-saver!

8. What is one thing that you have to have everyday?

No question here – COFFEE!

9. What is your favorite movie and why?

I love Sleepless in Seattle.  I just love how sweet and romantic this movie is and I really enjoy the soundtrack.

10. If you could visit any place in the world, all expense paid, where would you go and what would you do?

I would love to visit Europe one day and travel through as much of it as possible.  I would want to see and experience parts of the world with so much beauty and culture.

11. What would you do if you won the lottery?

Well that would be incredible and I would probably and most truthfully buy a house, pay for 2 college tuitions, set aside retirement and then give it away to those who could use it too (charity, church, family).

Thank you Chloe (Boxwood Avenue) and Megan (Being Mrs. Fowler) for nominating me.  I am humbled by your kindness and thoughtfulness in thinking of me!  Now it is my turn to choose.  I would like to nominate Meghan from Megleewest.com (even though she has more than 1000 followers).  She is a genuine and beautiful mama who covers everything from style, kids, beauty and DIY on her blog. Her posts are relevant and easy to follow – this is one talented lady!  I would also like to nominate Iris from Around the Watts House (again, more than 1000 followers).  This lovely woman shares her experiences in decor, her home and DIY.  She has been a delight to follow and I love seeing what she comes up with next.  Here are my questions for each of you (Meghan and Iris)…

1.Why did you decide to start blogging?

2. What has been your favorite post and why?

3. Who is behind the scenes of your blog?

4.  What has been the biggest bonus of blogging for you?

5.  What is your favorite food?

6.  What can always be found in your handbag?

7. What are you passionate about outside of blogging

8. What is your favorite movie and why?

9. What is one thing you have to have everyday?

10. What have you used to help your blog succeed?

11. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?

I hope you take the time to find each of these blogs – have a great week friends and thanks again for stopping by!


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  1. I don’t know how I missed this post before, but I am so happy to have read it today!! I loved how you described your faith as being you biggest passion. I am challenged to remember to put him first, which I am often forgetting to do, so thank you. Also laughing at the fact that our husbands (fiancées/boyfriends) inadvertently signed up to be bloggers when we did! What would we do without them? So happy to be able to call you one of my blog friends Annie! -Chloe

    1. Chloe – thanks so much. I am cracking up about our significant others – so very true! Thanks for sharing with me sweet friend!

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