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How to Make a Spring Floral Arrangement


Happy Monday friends – I hope you had a good weekend. Last week I was a part of a fun, White Vase Floral Challenge with some friends on Instagram. I will be sharing some more details about that at the end of this post…


Our goal was to create an arrangement using one of the most common decor items – a white vase.  I wanted to break down the steps on how I created mine.  It really was easy to do and I think would be to replicate also!


1. Choose your vase and decide if you will be using faux or real flowers.  I did both!

2. Start by inserting the tallest florals first as seen in picture 2.

3. Then fil the base of the arrangement with full and draping flowers.

4. Continue to fill now with some flowers that have a mid height compared to the two other flower sizes you started with. Do not feel like you have to add all the same flowers or in this case, I just added one hydrangea to the side and that is ok to do too =)!

5. Lastly, insert your real flowers (I did not use water so unfortunaltely this arrangement would only last through a dinner or event but you could look into those little contaners that hold water and attach to individual stems. In this bouquet they were the purple flowers you see and even if they were faux, I would have waited till the end to insert the fillers or skinny tall pieces…

6. That is it! Again, this can work for any flower (real or faux) as long as you are paying attention to the height details. Start tall, work small and end with middle fillers…




The most fun about this challenge was doing it alongside some very talented friends, each who put thier own personal spin and style into their arrangement.  Enjoy the flowery tour and don’t forget to check each of their blogs or feeds out!


KelleyNan – A huge thank you to Kelley for rounding up this challenge and hosting!


Tamara at Citrine Living 


Erin from The Sunny Sideup Blog


Janice from Fig and Twigs


Deborah from Blount Designs


Sandi and Shalia from The Spoiled Home


Oscar from Oscar Bravo Home


Shauna from The House of Silver Lining


Loithai from Tone on Tone


Sandra from Old Silver Shed


Jennifer from The Gracer House


Randi from Randi Garrett Design

Dining Room with Floral Arrangement

Jennifer from Decor Gold Designs


Bree from Z Design at Home


And then there is me =).

Don’t forget that the April issue of Everything Home Magazine has been released and you can find it here…


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  1. I love how you mixed faux and real florals! Looks so beautiful! Thank you for sharing my photo as well along with everyone else’s in this super talented group!

    1. Shauna thank you so much and I appreciate you stopping by!!! You are so talented and it was wonderful to participate with you all! xo

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