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DIY Spring Fern and Eucalyptus Wreath

DIY Fern and Eucalyptus Wreath 2

We hit the high 70’s here in the PNW today and oh my goodness, it was so incredible! I was helping at my kiddo’s class and as I walked out, I overheard the kids saying how hot it was… That is was just like Hawaii! LOL… I got a fun laugh at how much we love the sun here and it does feel just like Hawaii ;). Anyhow, with all the warm weather, I am beginning to prepare things outdoors too. Which is why I made this DIY Spring fern and eucalyptus wreath to share with you! I joined my friend Krista at The Happy Housie for The Seasonal Simplicity Tours with wreaths being the star of the show.

Here is what I used for this wreath and how easily I put it tougher!

DIY Fern and Eucalyptus Wreath 2

I like to use these fanned out grapevine wreaths as it is easier to glue greenery atop. I also had some faux ferns/eucalyptus stems at home. I did pick up some extra pieces at the craft store as well. You will need cutters/scissors to shorten stems and a glue gun with gluesticks to adhere all the pieces.

DIY Fern and Eucalyptus Wreath 2

For starters, I put everything on for placement and got a good idea of how I wanted the wreath to look. I placed the ferns underneath and the eucalyptus leaves spread on top.

DIY Fern and Eucalyptus Wreath 2

Then I began very carefully gluing the stems in layers. Please note, you must be so careful with the glue gun and hot glue here. You want to glue far away from your fingers as you place the pieces in. I like to put glue at the bottom part of the stems and insert them into the wreath branches so that they stick.

DIY Fern and Eucalyptus Wreath 2

In the end, I placed some more details with the seeded parts of the eucalyptus and finished the wreath.

DIY Fern and Eucalyptus Wreath 2

I love how simple this is. I know, I know… You are so surprised that I did something simple again aren’t you? 😉 Simple seems to be my theme lately…

DIY Fern and Eucalyptus Wreath 2

My local grocery store had these ferns and I grabbed a couple as they were a great price. I love how just having a couple plants out front really sets the stage for the season.

DIY Fern and Eucalyptus Wreath 2

This wreath mixes nicely with assortments of greens, which makes it versatile and great for any style!

DIY Fern and Eucalyptus Wreath 2

Now I just have loads and loads of gardening to do out here and in the back, haha!

DIY Fern and Eucalyptus Wreath 2

I hope you enjoy and don’t forget to check out these incredible wreaths down below! Thanks so much for visiting with me today!

Succulent & Peony Simple DIY Spring Wreath at The Happy Housie
Dollar Store Spring Wreath at Craftberry Bush
Lambs Ear & Blush Spring Wreath at Bless’er House
Elegant Peony & Eucalyptus Spring Wreath at Inspiration for Moms

Spring Fern & Eucalyptus Wreath at Zevy Joy
Boxwood and Bicycle Spring Wreath at The Turquoise Home
DIY Modern Floral Wreath at Lolly Jane
Oversized Spring Succulent Wreath at My Sweet Savannah

Five Minute Eucalyptus Wreath at Amber Tysl
Earthy & Elegant Spring Wreath at Willow Street Interiors
Mini Rosemary Wreaths for a Spring Table at Satori Design for Living
Spring Hydrangea Wreath at Confessions of a Serial DIYer

Branch and Vine Spring Wreath at Town and Country Living
Spring Hoop Wreath with Lemons at Modern Glam Home
Spring Wreath Ideas at Hallstrom Home
Spring Woodland Wreath at Deeply Southern Home

Dollar Store Easter Egg Wreath at The DIY Mommy
Spring Moss Covered Wreath at Tauni Everett
Easy 15 Minute Marshmallow Peeps Wreath at Heathered Nest
Pastel Colours M&M Wreath at Paint Me Pink

How to Make a Paper Flower Wreath at Happy Happy Nester
Spring Floral Hoop Wreath at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Hanging State Sign at Taryn Whiteaker Designs
Book Page Butterfly Wreath at Life is a Party

Spring Basket Wreath at Clean & Scentsible
Simple Succulent Wreath at A Pretty Life
DIY Paper Flower Wreath at My 100 Year Old Home
Spring Plaid Carrot Layered Wreath at Tatertots and Jello

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  1. Your wreath is truly beautiful……with the potted greenery below……you have a complete showcase. All of it is very appealing….great job.

  2. What a pretty wreath! I love all the greenery! It’s so fun participating in this series with you! I’ve pinned your wreath to my favorite wreath board to share with others!

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