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DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs in Authentic Colors!

DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

How To Paint Authentic Colored Easter Eggs!

Hello again friends, how are you all? I find it kinda strange to come on here as usual with all that is going on in the world right now. But I hope you know how much I care about all of you and in coming here, I also hope we encourage one another and bring some joy and beauty in these circumstances. So today I am sharing such a sweet and simple project that you can do as we prepare for the Easter season with my friend Krista at The Happy Housie. These authentic Easter eggs are something the whole family can do. In fact, I was researching chicken eggs and found that they can be a rainbow of colors like I was inspired by down below (these are the colors I found when learning more about chicken eggs) and this would be a great lesson for kiddos to be a part of!

Here is what you will need…

  • Paint in varying colors (I chose to pick colors that matched real chicken egg colors)
  • Paintbrush
  • Wooden Eggs (these work best but you could use plastic)
DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

To make the colors of authentic chicken eggs, I just starting mixing up colors messily on a plate. I sorta let one blend into the next to make a new color each time. You can see all my finished colors down below.

DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

This really doesn’t need explanation, but you simply start painting the eggs…

DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

Then let them dry between coats…

DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

I was so pleased with how these turned out!

DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

I like to imagine that I’ve got chickens laying eggs in the yard and I bring them in all ready to be used for baking ;)… I promise I really don’t go around truly pretending that though, lol.

DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

Wouldn’t that be something though?! Not the pretending but having the luxury of pretty chicken eggs!

DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

To enjoy a simple pleasures and beautiful nature in this way?

DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

For now I will keep them as simple decorations in a jar on my kitchen shelf.

DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

Of course this project could be done in any array of colors, but I just loved the idea that chickens truly lay something so pretty!

DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

I hope you enjoyed and don’t forget to head back tomorrow where I will have an Easter basket idea for you too… Here is a peek…

DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

Make sure to go and visit my friends down below with their fun ideas as well!

DIY Authentic Easter Eggs

Thanks so much for visiting today and take good care you all!

Easter Mantel Decor with Free Printable Easter Art at The Happy Housie
Simple Easter Brunch Table at Finding Silver Pennies
Spring Flower Pot Cakes at Satori Design for Living
Dollar Store Wooden Box Centerpiece at Craftberry Bush

Free Easter Activity Booklet for Kids at The DIY Mommy
Wood Slice Easter Craft for Kids at She Gave it a Go
Free Printable Easter Banner at Happy Happy Nester
DIY Easter Egg Salt and Pepper at Life is a Party
Kid Friendly Easter Table at The Tattered Pew

Painted Terra Cotta Pots Centerpiece at Tatertots and Jello
DIY Easter Sign at Lemon Thistle
DIY Easter Carrot Wreath at My Sweet Savannah
5 Ideas for Wooden Easter Eggs at Hallstrom Home

Black & White Easter Vignette and Printable at Taryn Whiteaker Designs
Easter Bunny Peg Dolls at Cassie Bustamante
DIY Spring Artwork at Love Create Celebrate
DIY Authentic Easter Eggs at Zevy Joy
Modern Classic Easter Table at Cherished Bliss

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  1. It’s amazing to see how many different colours eggs naturally come in given that we usually only have access to white and brown. Seems like a shame. These turned out so pretty 🙂

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