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Bringing Some Modern Pieces into Our Home – How To


I wanted to start off by saying that this week I have been opening up a bit more and really been sharing my opinion on food, design, etc… You have been so kind and I am flattered that some of you enjoy hearing my opinions. That being said, please also hear my heart – that I do not consider myself a pro – but rather I am leading with what I know/enjoy and my personal preferences.  I love that you visit our home here to get inspiration and I hope you will continue to stop by.  It brings me so much joy to share with you, hopefully to inspire/encourage you to do many of these things on a smaller budget, home, or even experience.  I have learned immensly this last year and I continue to learn new things every day.

I love to share… before truly committing to blogging and zevy joy, I was a teacher for nearly 10 years.  It is in my nature to instruct; therefore having a blog that highlights tutorials is right up my alley.  I also have a dad who is a general contractor/designer.  I grew up shadowing him both in our own home and on his jobs.  It wasn’t until I started zevy joy and even more so recently that I would say I am getting acquainted with what my style really may be.  Although it seems to change occasionally – ha! That being said – now that I have many of our main pieces finalized for the home, I am thinking about accent pieces.  Accent pieces are good for just that. They do not have to change your decor entirely but can accentuate it subtly.




I am also reflecting on styles that really speak to me – using what I have already established here.  Those would be – Farmhouse/French Country, Modern, Scandanavian and Traditional design.

So here is my plan… we have a lot of the above going on, but what we are missing and I would like more of is Modern.

I recently got this Vortex Chair from LexMod and started playing around with where I would keep it.


I pretty much enjoyed it everywhere I put it. This is where it resides in our room now.  I love the sleek lines, the stark legs and bright white.


As seen here in our room, we have some antique traditional pieces, with scrols, scallops and lots of intricate details.


When you put the two together they are the right composition to my eye (emphasis – my eye…)


It brings an edge to the space and makes it relevant with the traditional pieces.


I rarely show the exterior of our home but it is mid century modern – which in truth was one of the things I liked the least when buying our home. Now I am embracing and bringing it in with a hope of investing in some new pieces.

I will plan to use the remainder of my Birthday/Christmas money and am thinking of some kitchen stools and then accent chairs for the living room.  I will keep you updated and later share how to blend styles no matter what they may be.  In the end it is an eclectic mix that is beautiful in your eyes – isn’t that what matters the most?

Have a great weekend all and don’t forget to check back later for The Inspiration Gallery!

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    1. Jennifer thank you and same here with modern. Hoping I can find a way to make it work =). Love your style and beautiful home, hope you had a great weekend!

  1. I am new to your blog and find your style refreshing. You have the white and painted furniture style so prevalent but accent it in your own style and I love that you do that. Though you say you are not a professional (most of us lack those credentials)you have a good eye. I will continue to visit for inspiration and enjoy your eclectic style. Marie

    1. Marie- wow thank you so much for such a kind compliment! This blesses my heart and I am so happy to have you stopping by here. Hope your weekend is wonderful.

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