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DIY Post – Budgets and Square Foot Gardening


I know if you read zevy joy often, you are familiar with the fact that we are on a budget.  I am constantly finding ways to save money.  One helpful thing that we have done is constructing and planting a square foot garden.  It is an investment up front but does pay for itself over time and there truly is nothing like enjoying the freshness of your garden.  Veggies and some fruits end up being a fraction of the cost and are delicious.  I wouldn’t consider myself to be a skilled gardener, but this has been pretty easy to keep up.  I will break this topic up into a series so it is easier to understand; today I will share where to get started and some recommendations.


If you are considering a veggie garden here are some helpful tips and resources as you begin  –

  •  All New Square Foot Gardening is an excellent guide to this type of gardening.  It is simple/straightforward and has charts that are helpful to reference.
  • Research prices and materials beforehand.  There are options for constructing, whether it is size or lumber choice, I would recommend shopping around.
  • Determine and make a layout on paper deciding where and what you will garden.  
  • Like anything else, plan to start small and grow your garden in steps (which tends to seem less overwhelming).


Check back soon as I will share the step by step process for the construction of the raised bed and some things I have learned almost a year later…

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!

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