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Gingerbread Birdhouse DIY Ornament

A Fun DIY Gingerbread Birdhouse Ornament for Christmas!

How To Make A Gingerbread Birdhouse Ornament!

This will be one of my last Christmas posts for this year and it is hard to believe how fast the season goes each and every time! Today I am sharing how to make the cutest DIY gingerbread birdhouse ornament. I love gingerbread houses of all sorts, the real deal, faux ones and cookie versions too. When I was browsing the craft store I saw all these sweet miniature wooden birdhouses. I instantly thought they would make the perfect template for a gingerbread house! And sure enough they turned out darling! I am thrilled to be joining my friends Ashley at Modern Glam, Janine at Happy Happy Nester and Leslie at My 100 Year Old Home as we show different ornament ideas!

Gingerbread Birdhouse DIY Ornament

This ornament is is pretty self explanatory overall but here are the easy steps to follow!

You will want to mix a nice graham cracker brown with acrylic paint.

Gingerbread Birdhouse DIY Ornament

Then once it is dry you will use slick puffy paint to add all those charming gingerbread house details…

Gingerbread Birdhouse DIY Ornament

There is really no right or wrong way to decorate one of these…

Gingerbread Birdhouse DIY Ornament

Just have fun!

Gingerbread Birdhouse DIY Ornament

Once this was dry I hung it on the tree.

Gingerbread Birdhouse DIY Ornament

It is so cute there nestled amongst all the family ornaments!

I hope you enjoy trying this out and don’t forget to visit my friends who are sharing down below too! Thanks so much for stopping by!

Blogger’s Best DIY Ornaments

  1. Gingerbread Birdhouse DIY Ornament | Zevy Joy
  2. Make Ornaments Using Recycled Tea Lights | Most Lovely Things
  3. Gingerbread House Village Snow Globe Ornament | Craftberry Bush
  4. Anthropologie-Inspired Painted Bouquet Ornaments | Tatertots and Jello
  5. Yarn Hat Ornaments Using A Toilet Paper Roll | Modern Glam
  6. DIY Wooden Christmas Tree Ornament | My Sweet Savannah
  7. DIY Gingerbread House Wood Christmas Ornaments | My 100 Year Old Home

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  1. Zevy,
    I really like your little birdhouse. It looks like something I could make. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season.

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