
Our Elegant Christmas Tree

An Elegant Christmas Tree!

A Look At Our Elegant Christmas Tree This Year!

This happens to be a post I look forward to so much each year… It is when I share a look at our Christmas tree and I get so excited to be creative and open our home to you! This year I went with a classic, elegant Christmas tree. I am joining Kristen at Ella Claire & Co. as we share all of our Christmas trees and there are so many beautiful ideas to enjoy…

I have been sharing a lot this season how we are saving for our future home, so this was a no spend for Christmas decorating over here.

Our Elegant Christmas Tree 15

And I have to tell you, it was really refreshing to use what we had and be resourceful as well. I don’t spend a ton each year, but I will usually grab some fun new things to add to our decor…

Our Elegant Christmas Tree 15

And this time I even used up all the old wrapping paper we had on hand!

Of course there was more than enough to choose from and decorate with, there always is.

Our Elegant Christmas Tree 15

I painted these candy canes from silver to gold and they fit in perfect!

Our Elegant Christmas Tree 15

I wanted a bit of muted color so I chose rusty reds and muted greens to hang up using what I had from last year’s tree…

Our Elegant Christmas Tree 15

Sparkly paper and ribbons really complete the whole look.

All of the bulbs are from year’s past and some were even collected from the Dollar Store.

Our Elegant Christmas Tree 15

Everything shimmers and shines and makes my heart so happy…

Our Elegant Christmas Tree 15

A Christmas tree really makes a space feel warm and inviting!

Our Elegant Christmas Tree 15

And get ready because you can expect to see lots of bokah lights in the future here ;)… In all seriousness, I hope this inspires you this season to get creative (whether you are using new or old) as we decorate for the most special time of year.

Thanks so much for visiting with me and don’t forget to visit my sweet friends down below!

Ella Claire & Co. | Craftberry Bush | French Country Cottage

Dear Lillie | Handmade Farmhouse | Zevy Joy

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  1. You always have a beautiful tree and this year is no exception. I’ve always wondered if your tree is artificial or if you use a real tree. It’s perfect.

    1. Shelly that was the kindest compliment, thank you so much! I have always used an artificial tree but have wanted to do a real one… Maybe one day!

  2. Hi! Beautiful tree! I’ve been looking for a “gappy” unflocked tree and just don’t know what to look for…may I ask, which tree is this? I have some large ornaments and have learned via IG that the gappy trees allow the ornaments to shine. Your tree has achieved just the look I’ve want. If you don’t mind sharing I’d appreciate the information or a link.



    1. Hi Kemberly!
      Thank you so much! I am happy to share, this tree was from Terrain and they seem to have updated the style a bit this year… They have the unlit version which looks a bit closer to mine here I think… I hope that helps!

  3. Thank you very much…I didn’t even know about this company, they have several nice trees that seem quite affordable compared to other companies. If I were to find one similar to yours, am I looking at the Celtic, Frazier, Norway Spruce, Alpine?? This is where my confusion comes in………I am been collecting ornaments for 25 years!! Way too many I know….I like your idea of taking a year and using what you have and spending nothing. I think I will do that after I find a few trees that really showcase my collection. Thanks for you help, Kemberly

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