
What It Looks Like At Our Home These Days…

(Sick day at home with the crew a couple weeks ago, although everyone is on the mend and feeling so much better now, yay!)

Hi friends, I have been slightly preoccupied this week and it’s been kinda quiet over here… The transition from Winter to Spring has left us with cold after cold (or some type of bug) a few extra sick days, many appointments, renovations, school concerts, work, play, family time… Oh you know – life! Haha But in all seriousness, this has felt like a unique season for some particular reasons this year. We’ve been rolling with some bumps, celebrating some successes and trying to stay focused on what really matters. At the end of the day we are grateful and boy has this little blog brought so much joy too. Though we be tired or should I say exhausted on certain days, we are making it through and feeling inspired by the changing seasons.

I thought I’d continue to share some more updates and just the “everyday” with you once in a while. I hope you don’t mind – as this stuff is the heartbeat behind it all and I love getting to open up with each of you…

(About to blow out candles…)

We recently celebrated a birthday for my oldest (you can find his story here) and each picked out our cupcake of choice at a delightful cupcake shop. The flavors were decadent (lemon, strawberry cream, Irish Cream for the hubby and good ole’ sprinkles for the birthday boy) and everyone was pleased with their pick ;).

(Giving me a look of desperation with those cupcakes a few feet away…)

Except for this guy… he was a good sport, but he sure did eye all those treats all weekend. I often get asked what breed Wyatt is, he is a Cavalier King Charles/Cocker Spaniel and the sweetest dog. He has been wonderful with our children and truly a part of the family. His puppy dog eyes are kinda priceless too…

We have a couple fun changes around the house coming up here in the near feature. One being the work on our bathroom (here) and some really fun updates to the outdoors. I may even be adding a couple new additions to this spot in our dining room as well – stay tuned!

Speaking of, tomorrow I am picking up a Craigslist find that I searched for for a while. I am hoping it is as good as I think it will be and can’t wait to show you. It will be replacing this DIY coffee table that I really have loved all these years. I’m not ready to part with it permanently so it will sit in storage for a while until I may want to pull it out again.

This little lady fills up my days and helps out with so many of the posts you see here. It truly has been a special time for her and I to spend together; it blesses my heart when she takes part in what I do. She picked out this particularly colorful outfit the other day and I loved it with all the mixed patterns.

I am counting down the days until the Outdoor Farmer’s Markets open… It’s one of my favorite Spring/Summer things to enjoy for all the fresh flowers and foods. Which happen to be on my mind a lot lately as we are beginning to go gluten and dairy free in this family. Yikes… the thought is a bit overwhelming but I am hoping to share the journey with you a little bit here and there. If any of you are on that same journey I’d love to hear what works well for you.  And while we are on the topic of good food – have you heard that Whole Foods has a Market opening in certain locations called 365?! This is very exciting news because from what I understand (and don’t take my word for it because I am still researching) it is budget friendly! Organic and budget friendly are two words I could get used to paired together. I’ll let you know when I go and visit soon.

Well thanks for letting me share some random stuff with you today ;), although it isn’t really that random after all because it is the real day to day.

I appreciate each of you and so glad you visited today!!




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  1. I love the “everyday life” posts as much as I enjoy the others! I’m thankful you are willing to share those times, as well as the “magazine worthy” things on your blog! It’s always a blessing and a bright spot to enjoy! Although I do love your coffee table…I can’t wait to see your Craigslist purchase! Blessings, Friend!

    1. Lanita you are always so kind to me and it doesn’t go unnoticed. I appreciate it so very much and hope you know that! Thanks for the sweet encouragement and I hope that you are enjoying your weekend!

  2. Love your posts. Can’t wait to see your new find and the other changes. Your blog is always sweet, refreshing, and inspiring!

    1. Donna thank you so so much – that truly means a lot! I can’t wait to share it all put together, it is going to be a bit different but am I hopeful I can make it “me” =). Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Love your posts. I take inspiration away every time. Can you tell me where you got your dining room light? Love it!!!

    1. Deb that means so much! Thank you very much! I stumbled upon it at our local ReStore, but I believe it is still available at Pottery Barn today – hope that helps! Again, I appreciate you visiting and have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Oh Julie you are such a joy sweet friend, and I have been blessed by your encouraging words and friendship. Thanks so much for taking the time to visit – xo!

  4. I agree with all the nice comments! I love your style. And your precious dog makes such a fantastic addition to the photos. I am also wanting to know where you got your dining room light. Thanks for creating such a sincere and sweet blog.!

    1. Nicole wow thank you so much. I am always humbled to hear such sweet words and to have friends join me here. I actually was lucky enough to find it at our local ReStore but it is a Pottery Barn model I believe that is still available at their store! Again, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and comment!

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