Family Room Progress
A Look At The Progress We Have Made In Our Family Room…

Where We Started In Our Family Room And Where We Are Now…
I know there has been a pause in my posting here this month and I have missed sharing with you. It has been busy with lots of behind the scenes progress here in our home and I am just now beginning to catch up and share it all! This week I am going to be doing several before and afters, today I am showing you where we are in the family room.
Here you can see the first two phases of our family room. The top photo is how it looked when we moved in. Then the second photo shows some of the changes we made including beams.

These last 6+ months we worked on adding a mantel, removed the fireplace screen, painted the brick, painted the surfboard and seasonally traded out the sofa cover (with a large blanket hanging over the back). Oh and I added a plant for greenery! I love to have that touch of greenery.

The surfboard was a foam board, below I showed how I took acrylic paint and transformed the board to fit in better with our decor.

Once it dried, I decided it needed to have a warmer tone so I played with the white color a bit.

Now it feels like it belongs in here. I also added a thin stripe down the center.

This space is really coming along, but I am trying to do it slowly over time as I learn more about how this room functions and feels.

Doing it this way is easier on my budget and allows me to be happy about the decisions I am making. Sometimes when I do things too fast, I end up regretting it and wasting money in the end.

This is all coming together the way I had envisioned, with that warm rustic, coastal feel…

In time, I will find the perfect pot for this newer plant, some more pillows, a new frame for the tv and wall finishes… But that may be 6-12 months from now and that is ok! We are truly enjoying this home of ours and I am thankful for it every day.

When I look at where we started, I am amazed how far we have come! Hope this encourages you as things don’t happen over night =). Thanks for visiting with me here, I appreciate you all!