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Top 5 Tips For Organizing Your Refrigerator Efficiently

Here are my top 5 tips for organizing your refrigerator efficiently! They are helpful in keeping groceries/staples stored in meaningful ways.

If you are looking for easy, but efferent ways to organize your refrigerator, I have 5 tips that are useful in getting it done.

*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Here you can see our refrigerator and a good BEFORE of it this weekend. I always felt like it wasn’t decently organized, but after looking at this photo it’s not feeling that way, haha! I took an hour with my daughter one afternoon and we pulled everything out and gave the fridge a deep clean. Then we put everything back in and organized in a way that made sense and would serve efficiently. We used these 5 tips to help us!

TIP 1: Pull everything out and I mean everything! Use this as an opportunity to give the refrigerator a good wipe down. Having everything out at once allows you to take inventory of what you have, what you need and what is expired or empty. Of course, make sure to keep track of things that are temperature sensitive and put them back when necessary to avoid loosing any of your food. For example, we cleaned the meat drawer quickly first and then got the meat back into the fridge first.

Organization in the refrigerator

Tip 2: Have some storage tools and necessities ready to be used. You can see below I bought a few things ahead of time. I didn’t want to overdo it and I didn’t want this project to get too costly, so I made sure to buy only what I felt would actually be helpful!

Top tips for refrigerator organization

These TURN TABLES are my favorite purchase of all. I felt like the quality was amazing and they made a huge difference when organizing! You will see why below.

Refrigerator Organization

Next was EGG STORAGE. I love these! The eggs can carefully roll down once you remove one…

Organizing your refrigerator

Lastly, I purchased these STORAGE BINS. They make it for easy to compartmentalize and grab what you need simply.

Refrigerator organizing tips

TIP 3: Arrange items by category as best as you can. You can see that we have a turntable with nut butters/sweets and syrups. Then there is another turn table with savory sauces. Bins get organized by yogurts, spreads, fruit, etc… Bins are nice because this is an opportunity to recycle product boxes and organize them this way instead (like our guacamole cups).

TIP 4: Keep space in mind when putting things back on the shelves. Arrange turn tables on the top shelves of the fridge so that there is room to spin them, and pull things off of the top. Make sure that the bins can slide out easily.

*As with most things, this may be subjective depending on your fridge model and layout. There is flexibility on how you position things. These tips are helpful to keep in mind though when thinking about space for arranging and pulling things out.

Below is the AFTER!

Refrigerator Organizing

TIP 5: Avoid trying to make it look pretty and focus more on function! While doing this makes things pretty, it is important to remember that if it doesn’t work easily or efficiently, it won’t stay organized for long.

How To organize your refrigerator

For example, I made sure that things could move quickly and easily when grabbing them. I didn’t overstuff the turn tables or bins as then it is hard to actually use them.

refrigerator organization

I really do believe that by using these tips, it makes grocery shopping and cooking more efficient as well! You can quickly see what is running low and what needs to be restocked. You can simply grab what you need when cooking because you can see it all.

Organizing the refrigerator

I think it is wise to keep milks and creams, some condiments too on the side doors. I also put our drawers to good use. Certain vegetables and fruits just last better there in the drawers. In fact, most of my vegetables stayed in the drawers. I tend to keep most produce in the fridge because I prefer it cold… Although I know some lasts longer on the counter (totally up to your preference).

I also had a few glass containers on hand already that I keep our flours and baking supplies in. We have gluten allergies here so we have to use some specialty stuff, but I know this is not that case for everyone. I like to also keep sliced almonds and pecans, flax and chia seeds stored in the fridge as well with glass jars. When using glass, it is important to be aware of how fragile that is pulling in and out of the fridge though. Plastic may be preferred. Some years back, I did create free printable labels too.

*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


And there you have my top 5 tips for organizing your refrigerator efficiently! These tips help you keep storage in the fridge functional.

Thanks so much for visiting with me today and see you back here soon!

Top 5 Tips For Organizing Your Refrigerator • zevy joy

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