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Touches of Spring So Far…

Hello there again friends! Thank you for all your sweet words regarding our dining room this week, you support always means so much! Today I get to share some early touches of Spring in our home so far. And I am joining Kristen from Ella Claire as well as some sweet friends down below.

Spring Touches in Our Home So far...

I know you have seen quite a bit of these spaces in our home lately and not a whole lot has changed. But in these moments before Spring truly arrives, I chose to put a couple colorful pieces out or florals here and there…

Spring Touches in Our Home So far...

For example, in our family room here, I shuffled around some coral pillows and then arranged some fragrant lilies.

Spring Touches in Our Home So far...

It doesn’t take much to add a little spring into your home or a lot of money for that matter!

Spring Touches in Our Home So far...

These two never quite understand what in the world I am doing when I am photographing, lol… But they put up with me, even though Wyatt’s eyes may say otherwise, haha!

Spring Touches in Our Home So far...

Across the way, I pulled out my white dishes as well as some bright purple tulips. I think the everyday items make for perfect decor.

Spring Touches in Our Home So far...

I know you have heard me saying it over and over lately, but I am just loving fresh and clean spaces. Simple spaces with a pop of color here and there!

Spring Touches in Our Home So far...

Speaking of a pop of color… Is there anything more beautiful than the arrival of spring flowers?!

Spring Touches in Our Home So far...

Arranging flowers is one of my favorite things to do so naturally they end up being the focal point of my decor. This antique rug wears through each season so well too. It brings some sublet muted jewel tones each and every season.

Spring Touches in Our Home So far...

I hope you enjoyed these simple touches of Spring here and it inspires some early spring decorating! Thanks so much for stopping by and please make sure to visit my friends who are so talented down below!

Ella Claire | Maison de Cinq | Craftberry Bush | Rooms for Rent

City Farmhouse | Zevy Joy | Boxwood Avenue

Touches of Spring So Far • zevy joy

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  1. Hi Zevvyjoy! I love what you’ve done with your place! It’s very crisp, clean and soothing looking. You definitely need that pop of color with the flowers to keep it from reading too bland. I love adding flowers too! I have a huge favor to ask? Could you please change the print on your blog from nearly invisable to black, so that your readers can see to read it? You’re not the only one to use that pale pale ink so don’t feel bad. It just is impossible to see! Your readers will thank you, I feel Sure! Love your post anyway though. Can’t wait to see what you do next! Have a great day!

    1. Hi Shelia thank you so much! I will look into the font and how it reads (I will investigate how that works), I appreciate your input!

  2. Annie you do the most amazing floral arrangements! The tulips are stunning and just the right thing to say “spring”!

    So nice to be “hopping” with you again;)


  3. Lovely! Simple and fresh.
    Please tell me about the drapes in the dining room.
    Where can I find these for sale? Details?

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