You Wash… I’ll Dry Everyday Printable

Hello friends! We are on the tail-end of our spring break… It has been a great time to step away from the everyday chores and to – do lists. But the one thing we haven’t been able to vacation from has been dishes, lol! And my hubby is a teacher, so he has been home this week as well, which has been so nice. That being said, he is good at helping with the chores when he is home (in fact he is most of the time 😉 and really was the inspiration for today’s post! I joined Kristen at Ella Claire to share an Everyday Printable. So of course I took the opportunity to have fun with a: You wash… I’ll dry print for the kitchen!

I like things that make a subtle statement and this print does just that! I wanted to keep it minimal with pops of black.

I borrowed the frame I used for my daughter’s room with the last printable I shared. I don’t think she minded ;). These glass frames are the best!

It makes changing out the print so easy and really works everywhere I have used it so far. I may just have to splurge and get a second soon, as I think Everly may eventually wonder where hers has gone, lol.

So there you have it, a fun little print to enjoy in the kitchen and maybe everyone needs a little reminder to chip in with the dishes sometimes right?! 😉 You can download this print below for free here!

I hope you enjoyed and please make sure to visit my friends down below who are sharing some fun prints as well!
Ingredient Substitutions List by Ella Claire | Homemade Lemon Curd Labels by Happy Happy Nester | I’ll Wash You Dry by Zevy Joy | Plants on a Shelf Watercolor by Craftberry Bush
Nature Board Vintage Printables by Town and Country Living | Kitchen Measurements by anderson + grant | DIY Linen Spray and Printable Labels by Clean and Scentsible | Colorful Abstract Art by Jennifer Rizzo
Definition of Home by Home Made Lovely | Pineapple Print by Making Home Base | Home Sweet Home by Lolly Jane | Balanced Coffee by Taryn Whiteaker
Home is Where you Park it by Tidbits | Watercolor Lemon Series by The Happy Housie | Watercolor Plant Printable by Nest of Posies | The Garden Journal by On Sutton Place
Semper Fidelis by Paint Me Pink | Hand Painted Feathers by Twelve on Main | They Broke Bread in their Homes by Live Laugh Rowe | Laundry Co. by My Someday in May
Potted Herb Watercolor Prints by Nina Hendrick
Thank you . My daughter has a new apartment with a tiny kitchen. I think it’s the perfect gift for her! She’ll love it!
I love the simplicity of black and white prints — and this one is perfect for the kitchen! Loving the frame you used too. -xo
So cute!! Unfortunately I used wash AND dry but maybe this sign will help! lol!
Haha Jennifer, SAME! Dang it 😀
So so cute, Annie!
Super cute for the kitchen! Love it.
yes it is very super Nice thanks
yes it is very Nice thanks I Like it me and my wife
I love the simplicity of black and white prints